C++20 SVG rendering library
No Matches
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
 Cdonner::css::Specificity::ABCA 3-tuple of integers representing the specificity before modifiers such as the "!important" flag have been applied
 Cdonner::AbsoluteLengthMetricsA container with ratios for converting absolute lengths, such as "cm" or "in", see
 Cdonner::css::parser::AnbMicrosyntaxParserParse a CSS value, per
 Cdonner::css::AnbValueAn+B microsyntax value, which is parsed by parser::AnbMicrosyntaxParser
 Cdonner::css::parser::AnbValueAndSelectorAn+B microsyntax value with an optional selector, for pseudo-class selectors such as :nth-child(An+B of S)
 Cdonner::svg::AsciiImageStores an ASCII representation of a rendered image, and supports diffing it to another image
 Cdonner::css::Token::AtKeyword<at-keyword-token>, representing @ followed by an identifier
 Cdonner::css::AtRuleRules starting with an @ are called At-Rules, and are used to define CSS features such as @media, @font-face, @keyframes, etc
 Cdonner::svg::parser::AttributeParserParses XML attributes and sets applies them to SVGElements
 Cdonner::components::AttributesComponentStores XML attribute values
 Cdonner::css::AttributeSelectorSelectors which match against element attributes, such as a[href^="https://"] or h1[title]
 Cdonner::css::Token::BadString<bad-string-token>, which is generated when a string contains an unescaped newline
 Cdonner::css::Token::BadUrl<bad-url-token>, which represents an invalid url() function
 Cdonner::svg::FilterEffect::BlurBlur effect, which applies a gaussian blur with the given standard deviation
 Cdonner::Box< T >A 2D axis-aligned bounding box
 Cdonner::Box< double >
 Cdonner::svg::components::ComputedShadowTreeComponent::BranchStorageStorage for a single shadow tree
 Cdonner::css::Token::CDC<CDC-token>, which represents --> in the source
 Cdonner::css::Token::CDO<CDO-token>, which represents <!-- in the source
 Cdonner::svg::components::CircleComponentParameters for a "<circle>" element
 Cdonner::svg::components::CirclePropertiesProperties for a "<circle>" element
 Cdonner::svg::components::ClassComponentHolds the value of the class attribute of an element
 Cdonner::css::ClassSelectorSelector which match the element's class attribute, for example .foo matches an element with class foo
 Cdonner::svg::components::ComputedClipPathsComponent::ClipPathInformation about a specific shape within a clip path
 Cdonner::svg::components::ClipPathComponentParameters for the "<clipPath>" element
 Cdonner::css::Token::CloseCurlyBracket<}-token>, which represents } in the source
 Cdonner::css::Token::CloseParenthesis<)-token>, which represents ) in the source
 Cdonner::css::Token::CloseSquareBracket<]-token>, which represents ] in the source
 Cdonner::css::Token::Colon<colon-token>, which represents ':' in the source
 Cdonner::css::ColorRepresents a CSS color value, like a RGBA color from a #rrggbb or #rgb hex value, or the currentcolor keyword
 Cdonner::css::parser::ColorParserParse a CSS color, either from a string or the CSS intermediate representation, a list of ComponentValues
 Cdonner::css::Token::Comma<comma-token>, which represents ',' in the source
 Cdonner::svg::PathSpline::CommandMetadata for a command, which describes how to connect the points
 Cdonner::css::ComplexSelectorA complex selector is a sequence of one or more compound selectors, separated by combinators
 Cdonner::css::ComponentValueA CSS component value, which is either a token, or a parsed function or block
 Cdonner::css::CompoundSelectorA compound selector is a sequence of simple selectors, which represents a set of conditions that are combined to match a single element
 Cdonner::svg::components::ComputedAbsoluteTransformComponentStores the computed transform value for an entity, relative to the world
 Cdonner::svg::components::ComputedCircleComponentComputed properties for a "<circle>" element, which applies values from the CSS cascade
 Cdonner::svg::components::ComputedClipPathsComponentStores a computed clip path, which is used to clip the rendering of an entity
 Cdonner::svg::components::ComputedEllipseComponentComputed properties for a "<ellipse>" element, which applies values from the CSS cascade
 Cdonner::svg::components::ComputedFilterComponentComputed filter parameters parsed by FilterSystem, represents the resolved DOM hierarchy of a "<filter>" element
 Cdonner::svg::components::ComputedGradientComponentCreated by PaintSystem during render tree instantiation
 Cdonner::svg::components::ComputedLinearGradientComponentComputed properties for a "<linearGradient>" element
 Cdonner::svg::components::ComputedLocalTransformComponentStores the computed transform value for an entity, relative to the parent
 Cdonner::svg::components::ComputedPathComponentStores a PathSpline used for rendering a shape, which may be generated from the parameters of shapes such as circle, rect, line, poly, and path
 Cdonner::svg::components::ComputedPatternComponentComputed properties for "<pattern>" elements, after resolving and inheriting values from referenced patterns
 Cdonner::svg::components::ComputedRadialGradientComponentComputed properties for a "<radialGradient>" element
 Cdonner::svg::components::ComputedRectComponentComputed properties for a "<rect>" element, which applies values from the CSS cascade
 Cdonner::svg::components::ComputedShadowTreeComponentAn instantiated ShadowTreeComponent, which points to the roots of parallel entity trees
 Cdonner::svg::components::ComputedSizedElementComponentStores the computed bounds of a sized element, resolving units and percentages
 Cdonner::svg::components::ComputedStopComponentStores the computed properties of a "<stop>" element
 Cdonner::svg::components::ComputedStyleComponentContains the computed style properties for an element, which is a combination of the style="" attribute, the CSS stylesheet, and the CSS cascade where properties are inherited from the parent
 Cdonner::svg::components::ComputedViewboxComponentComputed value of a viewbox for the current element
 Cdonner::svg::PaintServer::ContextFillRepresents the "context-fill" value for a paint server
 Cdonner::svg::PaintServer::ContextStrokeRepresents the "context-stroke" value for a paint server
 Cdonner::css::CSSPublic API for parsing CSS
 Cdonner::svg::CssTransformCompared to an SVG transform, CSS transforms have additional features, such as the ability to add units to the translate() function, such as translate(1em 30px)
 Cdonner::svg::parser::CssTransformParserParse a CSS "transform" property, see
 Cdonner::css::Token::CurlyBracket<{-token>, which represents { in the source
 Cdonner::css::Color::CurrentColorRepresents the currentColor keyword
 Cdonner::css::DeclarationA declaration is a CSS name/value pair, such as color: red;
 Cdonner::css::parser::DeclarationListParserParse a CSS declaration list, which can be either from an HTML/SVG style attribute, or from the list of component values from within a rule
 Cdonner::css::DeclarationOrAtRuleReturn value of parsers that may return either a declaration or an AtRule, specifically donner::css::parser::DeclarationListParser::Parse
 Cdonner::FakeElement::DeferredPrinterHelper class to change how this element is printed as a tree
 Cdonner::css::Token::Delim<delim-token>, which contains a single character
 Cdonner::css::Token::Dimension<dimension-token>, which represents a dimension such as '50px'
 Cdonner::svg::DonnerControllerAllows querying and controlling the Donner scene, beyond what the DOM provides
 Cdonner::svg::components::DoNotInheritFillOrStrokeTagThis component is added to entities to indicate that 'fill' and 'stroke' attributes should not be inherited, which is used for "<pattern>" because it establishes a shadow tree, and we do not want to recursively inherit 'fill' or 'stroke' values into the children
 Cdonner::svg::FilterEffect::ElementReferenceReference to another filter effect, from a url()
 Cdonner::svg::PaintServer::ElementReferenceRepresents a reference to another element, which originates from a url() reference. Should point to another paint server
 Cdonner::ElementTraversalGenerator< T >Selectors may need to traverse the tree in different ways to match, and this is abstracted away using C++20 coroutines
 Cdonner::svg::components::ElementTypeComponentStores the parsed element type of the current entity
 Cdonner::svg::components::EllipseComponentParameters for a "<ellipse>" element
 Cdonner::svg::components::EllipsePropertiesParameters for a "<ellipse>" element
 Cdonner::css::ComplexSelector::EntryA single entry in a complex selector, which is a compound selector and a combinator
 Cdonner::css::Token::EofToken<EOF-token>, which marks the end of the input stream and is always output at the end of a token list
 Cdonner::css::Token::ErrorTokenSpecial error token, used to mark named parsing errors
 Cdonner::svg::components::EvaluatedReferenceComponent< ReferenceType >Represents a reference to another entity which has been evaluated from a Reference string
 Cdonner::FakeElementA test fake for a type that satisfies the ElementLike concept
 Cdonner::svg::components::FEGaussianBlurComponentParameters for SVGFEGaussianBlurElement
 Cdonner::FileOffsetError context for a failed parse, such as the error reason, line, and character offset
 Cdonner::FileOffsetRangeHolds a selection range for a region in the source text
 Cdonner::svg::components::FilterComponentParameters for a "<filter>" element
 Cdonner::svg::FilterEffectFilter effect container, which can contain a reference to another filter effect, or a filter effect itself (of any type)
 Cdonner::svg::components::FilterPrimitiveComponentParameters for SVGFilterPrimitiveStandardAttributes
 Cdonner::svg::components::FilterSystemHandles parsing and instantiating SVG filter effects from the SVG DOM
 Cdonner::FontMetricsA container for font information relevant for computing font-relative lengths, per
 Cdonner::css::FunctionA CSS function, such as rgb(255, 0, 0), parsed into a function name and a list of parameter values
 Cdonner::css::Token::Function<function-token>, which indicates the start of a function call
 Cdonner::svg::components::GradientComponentCommon parameters for gradient elements, "<linearGradient>" and "<radialGradient>"
 Cdonner::svg::GradientStopValues for a gradient stop,
 Cdonner::css::Token::Hash<hash-token>, representing a CSS identifier that starts with a #
 Cstd::hash< donner::RcString >Hash function for RcString
 Cstd::hash< donner::RcStringOrRef >Hash function for RcString
 Cstd::hash< donner::xml::XMLQualifiedName >Hash function for donner::xml::XMLQualifiedName
 Cstd::hash< donner::xml::XMLQualifiedNameRef >Hash function for donner::xml::XMLQualifiedNameRef
 Cdonner::css::HSLARepresents an HSLA color
 Cdonner::svg::components::IdComponentHolds the value of the id attribute of an element
 Cdonner::css::Token::Ident<ident-token>, which represents a CSS identifier, which is an unquoted string
 Cdonner::css::IdSelectorSelector which match the element's id attribute, for example #foo matches an element with an id="foo" attribute
 Cdonner::svg::ImageStores an uncompressed RGBA-format image
 Cdonner::svg::components::ImageComponentParameters for the "<image>" element
 Cdonner::svg::ImageLoaderUtility class for loading images from a URI
 Cdonner::svg::RendererSkia::ImplImplementation class for RendererSkia
 Cdonner::parser::IntegerParserParser for positive integers, either decimal or hexadecimal
 Cdonner::css::InvalidRuleInvalidRule is used to represent a rule which could not be parsed, such as an invalid at-rule
 Cdonner::svg::components::LayoutSystemHandles layout and bounds calculations for SVG elements
 Cdonner::Length< T >Parses a CSS <length-percentage> type as defined by
 Cdonner::Length< double >
 Cdonner::parser::LengthParserParser for CSS <length-percentage> strings, such as "10px", "30%", "10em", etc
 Cdonner::svg::components::LinearGradientComponentParameters for a "<linearGradient>" element
 Cdonner::svg::components::LineComponentParameters for a "<line>" element
 Cdonner::FileOffset::LineInfoRepresents line information within a file, including the line number and the character offset on that line
 Cdonner::parser::LineOffsetsHelper class for finding newlines in a string, so that error messages can convert string-relative offsets into line numbers
 Cdonner::svg::components::LoadedImageComponentLoaded image resource, created from a ImageComponent
 Cdonner::svg::components::MarkerComponentStores the marker data for an SVG element
 Cdonner::svg::MarkerOrientRepresents the orientation of a marker
 Cdonner::svg::components::MaskComponentParameters for the "<mask>" element
 Cdonner::css::AttributeSelector::MatcherMatcher condition for an attribute selector
 Cdonner::MathConstants< T >Contains a set of math constants for the specified type (float or double)
 Cdonner::MathConstants< double >Math constants for double
 Cdonner::MathConstants< float >Math constants for float
 Cdonner::css::MultiSelectorMatcher< SelectorType >
 Cdonner::css::MultiSelectorMatcher< ComplexSelector >
 Cdonner::svg::FilterEffect::NoneNo effect
 Cdonner::svg::PaintServer::NoneRepresents the "none" value for a paint server
 Cdonner::css::Token::Number<number-token>, which represents a number, either integer or floating point
 Cdonner::svg::parser::Number2dParserParser for floating point numbers in SVG or CSS, corresponding to the CSS3 <number-token> definition from
 Cdonner::parser::NumberParserParser for floating point numbers in SVG or CSS, corresponding to the CSS3 <number-token> definition from
 Cdonner::svg::components::OffscreenShadowTreeComponentDefines an offscreen shadow tree attached to the current entity (the shadow host)
 Cdonner::OptionalRef< T >A class that simulates an optional reference to a constant object of type T
 Cdonner::parser::LengthParser::OptionsOptions to modify the parsing behavior
 Cdonner::parser::NumberParser::OptionsOptions to modify the parsing behavior
 Cdonner::svg::parser::SVGParser::OptionsOptions to modify the parsing behavior
 Cdonner::xml::XMLParser::OptionsOptions to modify the parsing behavior
 Cdonner::svg::components::PaintResolvedReferenceContains rendering information for a paint server, such as the subtree needed if it establishes an isolated layer, and where the paint server is located
 Cdonner::svg::PaintServerRepresents a paint server, which can be a solid color, a reference to another element, or a special value like "none" or "context-fill"
 Cdonner::svg::components::PaintSystemManages Paint Servers for gradients and patterns, handling style and structural inheritance and creating "computed" state and shadow trees for these elements
 Cdonner::css::Token::Parenthesis<(-token>, which represents ( in the source
 Cdonner::svg::ParsedFragment< ElementT >
 Cdonner::ParseErrorError context for a failed parse, such as the error reason, line, and character offset
 Cdonner::parser::ParserBaseBase class for parsers, containing common functionality such as maintaining the current parse location, skipping whitespace, and parsing numbers
 Cdonner::ParseResult< T >A parser result, which may contain a result of type T, or an error, or both
 Cdonner::svg::parser::ParserOriginContains the start location within a string where a subparser was invoked, used for remapping errors back to their original text
 Cdonner::svg::components::PathComponentParameters for a "<path>" element
 Cdonner::svg::components::PathLengthComponentStores a user-overridden path length on an element
 Cdonner::svg::parser::PathParserParse an SVG path "d"-string, see Path Data Syntax
 Cdonner::svg::PathSplineContainer for a spline, which is a series of points connected by lines and curves
 Cdonner::svg::components::PatternComponentParameters for "<pattern>" elements which are not captured by ViewboxComponent and SizedElementComponent
 Cdonner::css::Token::Percentage<percentage-token>, which represents a percentage such as '50'
 Cdonner::svg::parser::PointsListParserParse a SVG "points" attribute, used to specify line paths for "<polyline>" and "<polygon>" elements
 Cdonner::svg::components::PolyComponentParameters for a "<polygon>" or "<polyline>" element
 Cdonner::svg::PreserveAspectRatioHandles SVG's preserveAspectRatio attribute
 Cdonner::svg::components::PreserveAspectRatioComponentStores the preserveAspectRatio attribute of "<svg>" and "<pattern>"
 Cdonner::svg::parser::PreserveAspectRatioParserParser for SVG preserveAspectRatio attribute
 Cdonner::ElementTraversalGenerator< T >::PromiseDefines and controls the behavior of the coroutine itself, by implementing methods that are called by the C++ runtime during execution of the coroutine
 Cdonner::svg::Property< T, kCascade >Holds a CSS property, which has a name and value, and integrates with inheritance to allow cascading values using the CSS model with specificity
 Cdonner::svg::Property< ClipRule, PropertyCascade::Inherit >
 Cdonner::svg::Property< Display >
 Cdonner::svg::Property< donner::css::Color >
 Cdonner::svg::Property< donner::css::Color, PropertyCascade::Inherit >
 Cdonner::svg::Property< donner::Length >
 Cdonner::svg::Property< donner::Length, PropertyCascade::Inherit >
 Cdonner::svg::Property< donner::RcString >
 Cdonner::svg::Property< donner::svg::CssTransform >
 Cdonner::svg::Property< donner::svg::FilterEffect >
 Cdonner::svg::Property< donner::svg::PaintServer, PropertyCascade::PaintInherit >
 Cdonner::svg::Property< donner::svg::Reference, PropertyCascade::Inherit >
 Cdonner::svg::Property< donner::svg::Reference, PropertyCascade::None >
 Cdonner::svg::Property< double >
 Cdonner::svg::Property< double, PropertyCascade::Inherit >
 Cdonner::svg::Property< FillRule, PropertyCascade::Inherit >
 Cdonner::svg::Property< Overflow >
 Cdonner::svg::Property< PointerEvents, PropertyCascade::Inherit >
 Cdonner::svg::Property< StrokeDasharray, PropertyCascade::Inherit >
 Cdonner::svg::Property< StrokeLinecap, PropertyCascade::Inherit >
 Cdonner::svg::Property< StrokeLinejoin, PropertyCascade::Inherit >
 Cdonner::svg::Property< Visibility, PropertyCascade::Inherit >
 Cdonner::svg::parser::PropertyParseFnParamsParameters for a property parse function
 Cdonner::svg::PropertyRegistryHolds CSS properties for a single element
 Cdonner::css::PseudoClassSelectorSelectors which start with one colon, e.g
 Cdonner::css::PseudoElementSelectorSelectors which start with two colons are called pseudo-elements, e.g
 Cdonner::css::PseudoClassSelector::PseudoMatchResultResult of matches, returns if the selector matched and if it can be treated as a "primary" matcher
 Cdonner::QuadraticSolution< T >Holds the solution of a quadratic equation, as returned by SolveQuadratic
 Cdonner::css::QualifiedRuleA QualifiedRule has a list of component values and a block, this is the intermediate representation of a stylesheet rule
 Cdonner::svg::components::RadialGradientComponentParameters for a "<radialGradient>" element
 Cdonner::RcStringA reference counted string, that is copy-on-write and implements the small-string optimization
 Cdonner::RcStringOrRefAn in-transit type that can hold either an RcString or std::string_view, to enable transferring the RcString reference or also accepting a non-owning std::string_view from API surfaces
 Cdonner::svg::components::RectComponentParameters for a "<rect>" element
 Cdonner::svg::components::RectPropertiesParameters for a "<rect>" element
 Cdonner::svg::RecursionGuardHelper to guard against recursion when evaluating references
 Cdonner::svg::ReferenceRepresents a reference to an SVG entity by its href, typically created from a url(#id) string
 Cdonner::svg::RendererImageIOUtility class for saving images to disk
 Cdonner::svg::RendererSkiaRendering backend using Skia,
 Cdonner::svg::RendererTestUtilsTest utilities for rendering and saving SVGs in tests
 Cdonner::svg::RendererUtilsUtility functions for the renderer
 Cdonner::svg::components::RenderingBehaviorComponentComponent that controls how the attached element is rendered, determines how different element types are rendered
 Cdonner::svg::components::RenderingContextRendering controller, which instantiates and and manages the rendering tree
 Cdonner::svg::components::RenderingInstanceComponentAn instance of the entity in the rendering tree
 Cdonner::svg::RenderingInstanceViewA view containing a list of components::RenderingInstanceComponent which can be iterated over
 Cdonner::svg::components::ResolvedClipPathContains resolved information about the clip-path property, such as which element it is pointing to
 Cdonner::svg::components::ResolvedMaskContains resolved information about the mask property, such as which element it is pointing to
 Cdonner::svg::ResolvedReferenceRepresents a resolved reference to an SVG entity
 Cdonner::svg::ResourceLoaderInterfaceInterface for loading external resources, such as images
 Cdonner::svg::components::ResourceManagerContextResource manager, which handles loading resources from URLs and caching results
 Cdonner::css::parser::AnbMicrosyntaxParser::ResultResult of parsing the An+B microsyntax
 Cdonner::parser::IntegerParser::ResultContainer for parse result, containing the parsed result and the number of characters that were consumed to parse it
 Cdonner::parser::LengthParser::ResultContainer for parse result, containing the parsed result and the number of characters that were consumed to parse it
 Cdonner::parser::NumberParser::ResultContainer for parse result, containing the parsed result and the number of characters that were consumed to parse it
 Cdonner::svg::parser::Number2dParser::ResultContainer for parse result, containing the parsed result and the number of characters that were consumed to parse it
 Cdonner::css::RGBARepresents as 32-bit RGBA color, with each component in the range [0, 255]
 Cdonner::css::RuleHolds a CSS rule which can either be a standard QualifiedRule, an AtRule, or an InvalidRule if there was a parse error
 Cdonner::css::parser::RuleParserRule-related parsing routines, including parsing individual rules, lists of rules, and stylesheets
 Cdonner::RunfilesHelper class to access bazel runfiles in a test environment
 Cdonner::css::SelectorA top-level Selector, which is a list of ComplexSelector
 Cdonner::css::SelectorMatchOptions< T >Options for matching a selector against an element
 Cdonner::css::SelectorMatchResultReturned by Selector::matches to indicate whether the selector matched, and if so, the specificity of the match
 Cdonner::css::parser::SelectorParserParse a CSS selector, or list of selectors, and returns a Selector that can be matched against in the stylesheet
 Cdonner::css::parser::SelectorParserImplImplementation for SelectorParser
 Cdonner::css::SelectorRuleA rule in a stylesheet, which consists of a selector and a list of declarations
 Cdonner::css::Token::Semicolon<semicolon-token>, which represents ';' in the source
 Cdonner::svg::SVGDocument::SettingsDocument settings which configure the document behavior
 Cdonner::svg::components::ShadowEntityComponentA component attached to entities in the shadow tree, indicating which light entity they are mirroring
 Cdonner::svg::components::ShadowTreeComponentIndicates the entry point to a shadow tree, which instantiates a virtual tree of entities mirroring another entity's tree
 Cdonner::svg::components::ShadowTreeSystemInstantiates shadow trees for elements that are not part of the main render graph, such as "<use>" and "<pattern>" elements
 Cdonner::svg::components::ShapeSystemCreates computed path for shapes such as "<circle>", "<line>", and "<path>"
 Cdonner::svg::CssTransform::SimpleStores a precomputed transform
 Cdonner::css::SimpleBlockA CSS simple block, such as a rule block or a parenthesized expression
 Cdonner::svg::components::SizedElementComponentStores the properties of a sized element, x, y, width, height
 Cdonner::svg::components::SizedElementPropertiesStores an offset/size for elements that are positioned with x/y/width/height attributes with respect to their parent
 Cdonner::SmallVector< T, DefaultSize >A vector with small-size optimization
 Cdonner::svg::PaintServer::SolidRepresents a solid color paint server
 Cdonner::css::SpecificityA CSS specificity value (id, class, type), as defined in, which is used during cascading to determine which style takes precedence
 Cdonner::css::Token::SquareBracket<[-token>, which represents [ in the source
 Cdonner::svg::components::StopComponentStores the properties of a "<stop>" element
 Cdonner::svg::components::StopPropertiesParameters for a "<stop>" element
 Cdonner::css::Token::String<string-token>, which represents a quoted string, either with double or single quotes ("foo" or ‘'foo’`)
 Cdonner::StringUtilsA collection of string utils, such as case-insensitive comparison and StartsWith/EndsWith
 Cdonner::svg::components::StyleComponentContains properties the style="" attribute for an element, local to the element
 Cdonner::css::StylesheetA CSS stylesheet, which is a list of rules
 Cdonner::svg::components::StylesheetComponentData for a "<style>" element
 Cdonner::css::parser::StylesheetParserParse a CSS stylesheet into a list of selectors and their associated declarations
 Cdonner::svg::components::StyleSystemComputes stylesheet information for elements, applying the CSS cascade and inheritance rules
 Cdonner::svg::components::SubtreeInfoCreated on the start of a subtree, to inform the renderer about which element ends the current subtree, plus how many isolated layers need to be popped when the subtree is complete
 Cdonner::svg::SVGDocumentRepresents an SVG document, which holds a collection of SVGElement as the document tree
 Cdonner::svg::components::SVGDocumentContextHolds global state of an SVG document, such as the root element, id-to-element mapping, and the document size
 Cdonner::svg::SVGElementRepresents an SVG entity belonging to an SVGDocument
 Cdonner::svg::parser::SVGParserParse an SVG XML document
 Cdonner::svg::parser::SVGParserContextStores the current state of SVGParser during parsing
 Cdonner::css::TokenA CSS token, which are created as a first step when parsing a CSS string
 Cdonner::svg::TraceImplements a simple RAII execution time tracer
 Cdonner::Transform< T >A 2D matrix representing an affine transformation
 Cdonner::Transform< double >
 Cdonner::svg::components::TransformComponentStores the raw transform value set on an entity, for the transform presentation attribute
 Cdonner::svg::parser::TransformParserParse an SVG transform attribute, such as translate(100 100), using the SVG syntax which does not support units on numbers
 Cdonner::svg::CssTransform::TranslateStores a deferred translate() operation, which can have two <length-percentage> arguments, such as translate(1em 30px)
 Cdonner::components::TreeComponentStores the tree structure for an XML element, such as the parent, children, and siblings
 Cdonner::css::TypeSelectorSelector which matches the element type, e.g
 Cdonner::Transform< T >::UninitializedTagTag type for constructing an uninitialized transform
 Cdonner::svg::parser::UnparsedPropertyRepresents an unparsed property, which is a CSS property that is element-specific and needs to be matched with the actual element before it can be parsed and applied
 Cdonner::css::Token::Url<url-token>, which represents a url() function
 Cdonner::Utf8Utility class for working with UTF-8 encoded strings
 Cdonner::css::parser::ValueParserParse a CSS value, per
 Cdonner::Vector2< T >A 2D vector, (x, y)
 Cdonner::Vector2< double >
 Cdonner::svg::PathSpline::VertexVertex of the path, including the orientation
 Cdonner::svg::components::ViewboxComponentA component attached to entities that have a viewbox attribute, such as "<svg>" and "<pattern>"
 Cdonner::svg::parser::ViewboxParserParse an SVG viewBox attribute, such as "0 0 100 100"
 Cdonner::css::Token::Whitespace<whitespace-token>, which contains one or more whitespace characters in the source
 Cdonner::css::WqNameA CSS qualified name, which is a name optionally associated with a namespace
 Cdonner::xml::XMLDocumentRepresents an XML document, which holds a collection of XMLNode as the document tree
 Cdonner::xml::components::XMLDocumentContextHolds global state of an XML document, such as the root element
 Cdonner::xml::components::XMLNamespaceContextManages XML namespace state for a document
 Cdonner::xml::XMLNodeRepresents an XML element belonging to an XMLDocument
 Cdonner::xml::XMLParserParses an XML document from a string
 Cdonner::xml::XMLQualifiedNameRepresents an XML attribute name with an optional namespace
 Cdonner::xml::XMLQualifiedNameRefReference type for XMLQualifiedName, to pass the value to APIs without needing to allocate an RcString
 Cdonner::xml::components::XMLValueComponentStores XMLNode values (such as text contents)