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donner::Vector2< T > Struct Template Reference

A 2D vector, (x, y). More...

#include "donner/base/Vector2.h"

Collaboration diagram for donner::Vector2< T >:

Public Member Functions

 Vector2 ()=default
 Default constructor for a zero vector.
constexpr Vector2 (T x, T y)
 Construct a vector from a given x and y component.
 ~Vector2 ()=default
 Vector2 (const Vector2< T > &other)=default
 Copy constructor.
Vector2< T > & operator= (const Vector2< T > &other)=default
 Copy assignment operator.
 Vector2 (Vector2< T > &&other) noexcept=default
 Move constructor.
Vector2< T > & operator= (Vector2< T > &&other) noexcept=default
 Move assignment operator.
template<typename S >
Vector2< T > & operator= (const Vector2< S > &rhs)
 Assignment operator from a vector of a different type.
template<typename S >
 Vector2 (const Vector2< S > &other)
 Construct a vector from a vector of a different type, by implicitly casting each component.
template<typename S >
 Vector2 (S x, S y)
 Construct a vector from components of a different type, by implicitly casting each component.
length () const
 Returns the length of the vector.
lengthSquared () const
 Returns the squared length of the vector.
distance (const Vector2< T > &other) const
 Returns the distance between two vectors, assuming that each represents a point in space.
distanceSquared (const Vector2< T > &other) const
 Returns the squared distance between two vectors, assuming that each represents a point in space.
dot (const Vector2< T > &other) const
 Returns the dot product of this vector and other.
cross (const Vector2< T > &other) const
 Returns the Z component of the cross product of this vecctor and other in the 2D plane.
Vector2< T > rotate (double radians) const
 Rotate this vector by radians.
Vector2< T > rotate (T cosResult, T sinResult) const
 Rotate this vector by a given pre-computed cosine/sine angle.
angle () const
 Returns the angle that this vector makes with the +x axis, in radians.
angleWith (const Vector2< T > &other) const
 Returns the angle between this vector and the provided vector, or zero if one of the vectors has zero length.
Vector2< T > normalize () const
 Returns the normalized form of this vector.

Static Public Member Functions

static Vector2< T > Zero ()
 Returns a vector with all components set to zero.
static Vector2< T > XAxis ()
 Returns a vector with for the x-axis, i.e. (1, 0).
static Vector2< T > YAxis ()
 Returns a vector with for the y-axis, i.e. (0, 1).

Public Attributes

x = T(0)
 The x component of the vector.
y = T(0)
 The y component of the vector.


std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Vector2< T > &vec)
 Ostream output operator.


Vector2< T > operator- () const
 Unary negation.
Vector2< T > operator+ (const Vector2< T > &rhs) const
 Addition operator, add two vectors and return the result.
Vector2< T > & operator+= (const Vector2< T > &rhs)
 Addition assignment operator, add rhs to this vector.
Vector2< T > operator- (const Vector2< T > &rhs) const
 Subtraction operator, subtract two vectors and return the result.
Vector2< T > & operator-= (const Vector2< T > &rhs)
 Subtraction assignment operator, subtract rhs from this vector.
Vector2< T > operator* (const Vector2< T > &rhs) const
 Piecewise multiplication operator, multiply the x and y components of two vectors and return the result.
Vector2< T > & operator*= (const Vector2< T > &rhs)
 Piecewise multiplication assignment operator, multiply the x and y components of this vector by the x and y components of rhs.
Vector2< T > operator* (const T a) const
 Scalar multiplication operator, multiply the x and y components of this vector by a and return the result.
Vector2< T > & operator*= (const T a)
 Scalar multiplication assignment operator, multiply the x and y components of this vector by a.
Vector2< T > operator/ (const Vector2< T > &rhs) const
 Piecewise division operator, divide the x and y components of two vectors and return the result.
Vector2< T > & operator/= (const Vector2< T > &rhs)
 Piecewise division assignment operator, divide the x and y components of this vector by the x and y components of rhs.
Vector2< T > operator/ (const T a) const
 Scalar division operator, divide the x and y components of this vector by a and return the result.
Vector2< T > & operator/= (const T a)
 Scalar division assignment operator, divide the x and y components of this vector by a.
bool operator== (const Vector2< T > &other) const
 Equality operator, check if two vectors are equal.
bool operator!= (const Vector2< T > &rhs) const
 Inequality operator, check if two vectors are not equal.
template<typename U >
bool operator== (const Vector2< U > &other) const
 Equality operator with a vector of a different type, check if two vectors are equal.
template<typename U >
bool operator!= (const Vector2< U > &rhs) const
 Inequality operator with a vector of a different type, check if two vectors are not equal.
Vector2< T > operator* (const T a, const Vector2< T > &other)
 Reversed scalar multiplication operator, multiply the x and y components of this vector by a and return the result.
Vector2< T > operator/ (const T a, const Vector2< T > &other)
 Reversed scalar division operator, divide the x and y components of this vector by a and return the result.

Detailed Description

template<typename T>
struct donner::Vector2< T >

A 2D vector, (x, y).

Template Parameters
TThe type of the vector's components.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Vector2() [1/2]

template<typename T >
template<typename S >
donner::Vector2< T >::Vector2 ( const Vector2< S > & other)

Construct a vector from a vector of a different type, by implicitly casting each component.

Template Parameters
SThe type of the other vector's components.
otherThe other vector.

◆ Vector2() [2/2]

template<typename T >
template<typename S >
donner::Vector2< T >::Vector2 ( S x,
S y )

Construct a vector from components of a different type, by implicitly casting each component.

Template Parameters
SThe type of the components.
xThe x component.
yThe y component.

Member Function Documentation

◆ angle()

template<typename T >
T donner::Vector2< T >::angle ( ) const

Returns the angle that this vector makes with the +x axis, in radians.

Angle in the range of [-π, π].

◆ angleWith()

template<typename T >
T donner::Vector2< T >::angleWith ( const Vector2< T > & other) const

Returns the angle between this vector and the provided vector, or zero if one of the vectors has zero length.

otherOther vector.
Angle in the range of [0, π].

◆ cross()

template<typename T >
T donner::Vector2< T >::cross ( const Vector2< T > & other) const

Returns the Z component of the cross product of this vecctor and other in the 2D plane.

The result always points perpendicular outside the plane.

otherThe other vector.

◆ distance()

template<typename T >
T donner::Vector2< T >::distance ( const Vector2< T > & other) const

Returns the distance between two vectors, assuming that each represents a point in space.

otherThe other vector.

◆ distanceSquared()

template<typename T >
T donner::Vector2< T >::distanceSquared ( const Vector2< T > & other) const

Returns the squared distance between two vectors, assuming that each represents a point in space.

otherThe other vector.

◆ dot()

template<typename T >
T donner::Vector2< T >::dot ( const Vector2< T > & other) const

Returns the dot product of this vector and other.

otherThe other vector.

◆ operator!=() [1/2]

template<typename T >
bool donner::Vector2< T >::operator!= ( const Vector2< T > & rhs) const

Inequality operator, check if two vectors are not equal.

rhsThe vector to compare.

◆ operator!=() [2/2]

template<typename T >
template<typename U >
bool donner::Vector2< T >::operator!= ( const Vector2< U > & rhs) const

Inequality operator with a vector of a different type, check if two vectors are not equal.

rhsThe vector to compare.

◆ operator*() [1/2]

template<typename T >
Vector2< T > donner::Vector2< T >::operator* ( const T a) const

Scalar multiplication operator, multiply the x and y components of this vector by a and return the result.

Equivalent to Vector2<T>(lhs.x * a, lhs.y * a).

aThe scalar to multiply.

◆ operator*() [2/2]

template<typename T >
Vector2< T > donner::Vector2< T >::operator* ( const Vector2< T > & rhs) const

Piecewise multiplication operator, multiply the x and y components of two vectors and return the result.

Equivalent to Vector2<T>(lhs.x * rhs.x, lhs.y * rhs.y).

rhsThe vector to multiply.

◆ operator*=() [1/2]

template<typename T >
Vector2< T > & donner::Vector2< T >::operator*= ( const T a)

Scalar multiplication assignment operator, multiply the x and y components of this vector by a.

Equivalent to lhs.x *= a; lhs.y *= a;.

aThe scalar to multiply.

◆ operator*=() [2/2]

template<typename T >
Vector2< T > & donner::Vector2< T >::operator*= ( const Vector2< T > & rhs)

Piecewise multiplication assignment operator, multiply the x and y components of this vector by the x and y components of rhs.

Equivalent to lhs.x *= rhs.x; lhs.y *= rhs.y;.

rhsThe vector to multiply.

◆ operator+()

template<typename T >
Vector2< T > donner::Vector2< T >::operator+ ( const Vector2< T > & rhs) const

Addition operator, add two vectors and return the result.

rhsThe vector to add.

◆ operator+=()

template<typename T >
Vector2< T > & donner::Vector2< T >::operator+= ( const Vector2< T > & rhs)

Addition assignment operator, add rhs to this vector.

rhsThe vector to add.

◆ operator-()

template<typename T >
Vector2< T > donner::Vector2< T >::operator- ( const Vector2< T > & rhs) const

Subtraction operator, subtract two vectors and return the result.

rhsThe vector to subtract.

◆ operator-=()

template<typename T >
Vector2< T > & donner::Vector2< T >::operator-= ( const Vector2< T > & rhs)

Subtraction assignment operator, subtract rhs from this vector.

rhsThe vector to subtract.

◆ operator/() [1/2]

template<typename T >
Vector2< T > donner::Vector2< T >::operator/ ( const T a) const

Scalar division operator, divide the x and y components of this vector by a and return the result.

Equivalent to Vector2<T>(lhs.x / a, lhs.y / a).

aThe scalar to divide.

◆ operator/() [2/2]

template<typename T >
Vector2< T > donner::Vector2< T >::operator/ ( const Vector2< T > & rhs) const

Piecewise division operator, divide the x and y components of two vectors and return the result.

Equivalent to Vector2<T>(lhs.x / rhs.x, lhs.y / rhs.y).

rhsThe vector to divide.

◆ operator/=() [1/2]

template<typename T >
Vector2< T > & donner::Vector2< T >::operator/= ( const T a)

Scalar division assignment operator, divide the x and y components of this vector by a.

Equivalent to lhs.x /= a; lhs.y /= a;.

aThe scalar to divide.

◆ operator/=() [2/2]

template<typename T >
Vector2< T > & donner::Vector2< T >::operator/= ( const Vector2< T > & rhs)

Piecewise division assignment operator, divide the x and y components of this vector by the x and y components of rhs.

Equivalent to lhs.x /= rhs.x; lhs.y /= rhs.y;.

rhsThe vector to divide.

◆ operator=()

template<typename T >
template<typename S >
Vector2< T > & donner::Vector2< T >::operator= ( const Vector2< S > & rhs)

Assignment operator from a vector of a different type.

Template Parameters
SThe type of the other vector's components.
rhsThe vector to copy.

◆ operator==() [1/2]

template<typename T >
bool donner::Vector2< T >::operator== ( const Vector2< T > & other) const

Equality operator, check if two vectors are equal.

otherThe vector to compare.

◆ operator==() [2/2]

template<typename T >
template<typename U >
bool donner::Vector2< T >::operator== ( const Vector2< U > & other) const

Equality operator with a vector of a different type, check if two vectors are equal.

otherThe vector to compare.

◆ rotate() [1/2]

template<typename T >
Vector2< T > donner::Vector2< T >::rotate ( double radians) const

Rotate this vector by radians.

radiansAngle in radians.

◆ rotate() [2/2]

template<typename T >
Vector2< T > donner::Vector2< T >::rotate ( T cosResult,
T sinResult ) const

Rotate this vector by a given pre-computed cosine/sine angle.

cosResultThe result of cos(angle)
sinResultThe result of sin(angle)

Friends And Related Symbol Documentation

◆ operator*

template<typename T >
Vector2< T > operator* ( const T a,
const Vector2< T > & other )

Reversed scalar multiplication operator, multiply the x and y components of this vector by a and return the result.

Equivalent to Vector2<T>(a * lhs.x, a * lhs.y).

aThe scalar to multiply.
otherThe vector to multiply.

◆ operator/

template<typename T >
Vector2< T > operator/ ( const T a,
const Vector2< T > & other )

Reversed scalar division operator, divide the x and y components of this vector by a and return the result.

Equivalent to Vector2<T>(a / lhs.x, a / lhs.y).

aThe scalar to divide.
otherThe vector to divide.

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