C++20 SVG rendering library
No Matches

Embeds an image into the SVG document.

If width or height are omitted, the sizes will be inferred using the image's intrinsic size, using the CSS default sizing algorithm,

To reference an external image, provide its name or URL. Note that Donner must have a valid ResourceLoader provided to parser::XMLParser::ParseSVG, such as SandboxedFileResourceLoader.

<image href="image.png" x="10" y="10" width="100" height="100" />

To reference an embedded image using a data URL:


The image-rendering: pixelated style is used to render the image in a pixelated style in this example. This is not yet supported by Donner.
Add support for image-rendering property,
Attribute Default Description
href (none) URL or base64 data URL of the image.
preserveAspectRatio xMidYMid meet How to scale the image to fit the rectangle defined by width and height if the image's intrinsic size is different.
x 0 X coordinate of the image.
y 0 Y coordinate of the image.
width auto Width of the image. If omitted, this value will be inferred from the height attribute (if provided), or it will fall back to the image's intrinsic size.
height auto Height of the image. If omitted, this value will be inferred from the width attribute (if provided), or it will fall back to the image's intrinsic size.