C++20 SVG rendering library
No Matches
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
 NdonnerTop-level Donner namespace, which is split into different sub-namespaces such as donner::svg and donner::css
 NcssDonner CSS library, a standalone composable CSS parser
 NparserParsers for shared data types such as NumberParser and LengthParser
 NsvgDonner SVG library, which can load, manipulate and render SVG files
 NxmlXML parsing and document model support, top-level objects are donner::xml::XMLParser and donner::xml::XMLDocument
 CAbsoluteLengthMetricsA container with ratios for converting absolute lengths, such as "cm" or "in", see
 CBoxA 2D axis-aligned bounding box
 CCaseInsensitiveCharTraitsType traits for case-insensitive string comparison, usable with algorithms that accept an STL std::char_traits
 CElementTraversalGeneratorSelectors may need to traverse the tree in different ways to match, and this is abstracted away using C++20 coroutines
 CFakeElementA test fake for a type that satisfies the ElementLike concept
 CFileOffsetError context for a failed parse, such as the error reason, line, and character offset
 CFileOffsetRangeHolds a selection range for a region in the source text
 CFontMetricsA container for font information relevant for computing font-relative lengths, per
 CLengthParses a CSS <length-percentage> type as defined by
 CMathConstantsContains a set of math constants for the specified type (float or double)
 CMathConstants< double >Math constants for double
 CMathConstants< float >Math constants for float
 COptionalRefA class that simulates an optional reference to a constant object of type T
 CParseErrorError context for a failed parse, such as the error reason, line, and character offset
 CParseResultA parser result, which may contain a result of type T, or an error, or both
 CQuadraticSolutionHolds the solution of a quadratic equation, as returned by SolveQuadratic
 CRcStringA reference counted string, that is copy-on-write and implements the small-string optimization
 CRcStringOrRefAn in-transit type that can hold either an RcString or std::string_view, to enable transferring the RcString reference or also accepting a non-owning std::string_view from API surfaces
 CRunfilesHelper class to access bazel runfiles in a test environment
 CSmallVectorA vector with small-size optimization
 CStringUtilsA collection of string utils, such as case-insensitive comparison and StartsWith/EndsWith
 CTransformA 2D matrix representing an affine transformation
 CUtf8Utility class for working with UTF-8 encoded strings
 CVector2A 2D vector, (x, y)
 NstdSTL namespace
 Chash< donner::RcString >Hash function for RcString
 Chash< donner::RcStringOrRef >Hash function for RcString
 Chash< donner::xml::XMLQualifiedName >Hash function for donner::xml::XMLQualifiedName
 Chash< donner::xml::XMLQualifiedNameRef >Hash function for donner::xml::XMLQualifiedNameRef