C++20 SVG rendering library
No Matches
BaseTestUtils.h File Reference
#include <gmock/gmock.h>
Include dependency graph for BaseTestUtils.h:


namespace  donner
 Top-level Donner namespace, which is split into different sub-namespaces such as donner::svg and donner::css.


 donner::MATCHER_P (ToStringIs, expected, "")
 Matches the string representation of an object, by calling testing::PrintToString and comparing the results with the expected value.
 donner::MATCHER_P2 (Vector2Eq, xMatcher, yMatcher, "")
 Matches a Vector.
 donner::MATCHER_P2 (Vector2Near, xValue, yValue, "")
 Matches a Vector2 with DoubleNear(0.01).
 donner::MATCHER_P (NormalizedEq, expectedVector, "")
 Matches if two vectors are equal when both are normalized, within an error of 0.01.
 donner::MATCHER_P (TransformEq, other, "transform eq "+testing::PrintToString(other))
 Matches a transform with near-equals comparison.
 donner::MATCHER_P6 (TransformIs, d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, "")
 Matches a transform per-element, with a near-equals comparison using a threshold of 0.0001.
 donner::MATCHER (TransformIsIdentity, "")
 Matches if a transform is identity.
 donner::MATCHER_P2 (BoxEq, topLeftMatcher, bottomRightMatcher, "")
 Matches a Box.
 donner::MATCHER_P2 (LengthIs, valueMatcher, unitMatcher, "")
 Matches a Length.