C++20 SVG rendering library
No Matches
Elements: Structural

Defines the structure of the document, such as the root element, groups, and containers.


Defines a clipping path, which is used to clip the rendering of other elements using paths and shapes. The clipping path is defined by the child elements of this element. Compared to "<mask>", which uses image-based rendering and their white and black values to determine visibility, "<clipPath>" uses paths and shapes to define the clipping area.This element is not rendered directly, but is referenced by other elements using the clip-path CSS property.
<clipPath id="myClipPath">
<circle cx="100" cy="100" r="80"/>
<rect x="100" y="100" width="80" height="80"/>
<rect x="0" y="0" width="200" height="200" fill="purple" clip-path="url(#myClipPath)"/>


Container for definitions of reusable graphics elements. It is not rendered directly, but its child elements can be referenced by a "<use>" or within a fill or stroke.
<linearGradient id="MyGradient"><!-- ... --></linearGradient>


Creates a group of elements which can be transformed as a single object.
<g transform="translate(50 100)">
<rect width="100" height="100" fill="black" />
<rect x="50" y="50" width="100" height="100" fill="lime" />


The root element of an SVG document. The <svg> element is the root element of an SVG document. It can contain any number of child elements, such as Elements: Basic shapes, Elements: Paint servers, and Elements: Structural.
<svg width="300" height="300" style="background-color: white">
<!-- ... -->
Attribute Default Description
x 0 Top-left X coordinate of the SVG viewport.
y 0 Top-left Y coordinate of the SVG viewport.
width 0 Width of the SVG viewport.
height 0 Height of the SVG viewport.
viewBox (none) Rectangle in userspace that the SVG viewport is mapped to.
preserveAspectRatio xMidYMid meet How to scale the SVG viewport to fit the SVG content.
transform (none) Transformation matrix to apply to SVG content.


Reuses an existing element by referencing it with a URI. This is useful for creating repeating patterns or reusing complex shapes. The <use> element references another element, a copy of which is rendered in place of the <use> in the document. The referenced element may be a container element, in which case a copy of the complete SVG document subtree rooted at that element is used.The cloned content inherits styles from the <use> element. However, these cloned element instances remain linked to the referenced source and reflect DOM mutations in the original.
<svg width="200" height="100">
<circle id="a" cx="50" cy="50" r="40" stroke="blue" />
<use href="#a" x="100" fill="blue" />

Attribute Default Description
x 0 X coordinate to position the referenced element.
y 0 Y coordinate to position the referenced element.
width auto Width of the referenced element.
height auto Height of the referenced element.
href (none) URI to the element to reuse.