C++20 SVG rendering library
No Matches
donner::Box< T > Member List

This is the complete list of members for donner::Box< T >, including all inherited members.

addBox(const Box< T > &box)donner::Box< T >inline
addPoint(const Vector2< T > &point)donner::Box< T >inline
bottomRightdonner::Box< T >
Box()donner::Box< T >inline
Box(const Vector2< T > &topLeft, const Vector2< T > &bottomRight)donner::Box< T >inline
Box(const Box< T > &other)=defaultdonner::Box< T >
Box(Box< T > &&other) noexcept=defaultdonner::Box< T >
contains(const Vector2< T > &point) constdonner::Box< T >inline
CreateEmpty(const Vector2< T > &point)donner::Box< T >inlinestatic
FromXYWH(T x, T y, T width, T height)donner::Box< T >inlinestatic
height() constdonner::Box< T >inline
inflatedBy(T amount) constdonner::Box< T >inline
isEmpty() constdonner::Box< T >inline
operator!=(const Box< T > &rhs) constdonner::Box< T >inline
operator+(const Vector2< T > &vec) constdonner::Box< T >inline
operator+=(const Vector2< T > &vec)donner::Box< T >inline
operator-(const Vector2< T > &vec) constdonner::Box< T >inline
operator-=(const Vector2< T > &vec)donner::Box< T >inline
operator<<donner::Box< T >friend
operator=(const Box< T > &other)=defaultdonner::Box< T >
operator=(Box< T > &&other) noexcept=defaultdonner::Box< T >
operator==(const Box< T > &other) constdonner::Box< T >inline
size() constdonner::Box< T >inline
toOrigin() constdonner::Box< T >inline
topLeftdonner::Box< T >
Union(const Box< T > &a, const Box< T > &b)donner::Box< T >inlinestatic
width() constdonner::Box< T >inline
WithSize(const Vector2< T > &size)donner::Box< T >inlinestatic
~Box()=defaultdonner::Box< T >