C++20 SVG rendering library
No Matches

Custom CSS Parser.

Custom CSS ParserDemonstrates how to use the Donner CSS library in a third-party library to implement CSS3 parsing and selector matching. This example loads a stylesheet, creates a fake document tree, and the matches the rules against the tree.

bazel run //examples:custom_css_parser
* @example Custom CSS Parser
* Demonstrates how to use the Donner CSS library in a third-party library to implement CSS3 parsing
* and selector matching. This example loads a stylesheet, creates a fake document tree, and the
* matches the rules against the tree.
* ```sh
* bazel run //examples:custom_css_parser
* ```
#include <iostream>
#include "donner/css/CSS.h"
using namespace donner::css;
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
//! [parse_stylesheet]
Stylesheet stylesheet = CSS::ParseStylesheet(R"(
g {
fill: black;
path {
fill: blue;
path.withColor {
fill: red !important;
stroke: blue;
g > :nth-child(2n of path) {
fill: green;
std::cout << "Parsed stylesheet:\n" << stylesheet << "\n";
//! [parse_stylesheet]
// Build a document tree and query against it.
FakeElement group = FakeElement("g");
FakeElement path1 = FakeElement("path");
path1.setAttribute("d", "M 1 1 L 4 5");
FakeElement path2 = FakeElement("path");
path2.setAttribute("d", "M 5 1 L 9 5");
std::cout << "Using document tree:\n";
std::cout << group.printAsTree() << "\n";
// Outputs:
//! [document_tree]
// FakeElement: g, numChildren=2
// - FakeElement: path#path1[d=M 1 1 L 4 5], numChildren=0
// - FakeElement: path#path2.withColor[d=M 5 1 L 9 5], numChildren=0
//! [document_tree]
//! [match_rules]
for (const auto& rule : stylesheet.rules()) {
bool foundMatch = false;
std::cout << "Matching " << rule.selector << ":\n";
for (const auto& element : {group, path1, path2}) {
if (SelectorMatchResult match = rule.selector.matches(element)) {
foundMatch = true;
std::cout << " - Matched " << element << " - " << match.specificity << "\n";
if (foundMatch) {
std::cout << "\n";
} else {
std::cout << " - No match\n\n";
//! [match_rules]
//! [parse_selector]
// CSS Selectors can also be parsed directly from a string, for implementing querySelector.
if (std::optional<Selector> selector = CSS::ParseSelector("g > #path1")) {
std::cout << "Parsed selector: " << *selector << "\n";
if (SelectorMatchResult match = selector->matches(path1)) {
std::cout << "Matched " << path1 << " - " << match.specificity << "\n";
} else {
std::cout << "No match\n";
} else {
std::cerr << "Failed to parse selector\n";
//! [parse_selector]
//! [parse_style_attribute]
// Style attribute values, which are a list of `key: value;` pairs (css declarations).
std::vector<Declaration> declarations = CSS::ParseStyleAttribute("fill: red; stroke: blue;");
std::cout << "Parsed style attribute:\n";
for (const auto& declaration : declarations) {
std::cout << declaration << "\n";
//! [parse_style_attribute]
return 0;
A test fake for a type that satisfies the ElementLike concept.
Definition FakeElement.h:23
void appendChild(const FakeElement &child)
Appends a new child to this element's child list.
Definition FakeElement.h:188
void setClassName(const RcString &className)
Sets the element class name, the value of the "class" attribute.
Definition FakeElement.h:179
DeferredPrinter printAsTree() const
When used in an ostream output stream, prints the element's and all children instead of just the elem...
Definition FakeElement.h:247
void setId(const RcString &id)
Sets the element id, the value of the "id" attribute.
Definition FakeElement.h:176
void setAttribute(const XMLQualifiedNameRef &name, const RcString &value)
Sets the value of an attribute.
Definition FakeElement.h:182
A CSS stylesheet, which is a list of rules.
Definition Stylesheet.h:49
std::span< const SelectorRule > rules() const
Get the list of rules in this stylesheet.
Definition Stylesheet.h:77
Donner CSS library, a standalone composable CSS parser.
Returned by Selector::matches to indicate whether the selector matched, and if so,...
Definition ComplexSelector.h:28